Who are the false gods?
Those we cannot (or are afraid) to criticize.
What does standpoint epistemology do?
It creates classes of false gods, people who cannot be criticized in anything that they do by the normal people, who are stigmatized and attacked by inappropriate and reductive labels laced with implied derogation like cisgender, or white, or bourgeoise.
It does this by either downplaying, or outright denying, that human beings have anything in common with other human beings (in a universal and essential way), by virtue of the fact that we are all human beings. This lie, if accepted, creates a hard conceptual air-gap that nothing can pass through. It creates lovelessness between people like the dark between stars.
Universal truth, that cuts across all perspectives to touch the hearts and minds of all people, and that reminds us that WE ARE ALL people.. is the enemy of these godlings. These tyrants who are scared to death of criticism and even more frightened by love. They can’t stand love, because it gets in the way of pride.
The Trojan Horse is at least one archetype of this phenomena. The horse as a symbol of freedom, standpoint epistemology as a symbol of liberation, but both claims are a guise for lust driven violence. Let us beware of Greeks bearing gifts.